How can I give away a COM reference just before my object destructs?
The Old New Thing
The dangerous implementations of the IMemory­Buffer­Reference.Closed event
The Old New Thing
The useless IMemory­Buffer­Reference.Closed event
The Old New Thing
Accessing a block of memory represented by a Windows Runtime IMemoryBuffer
The Old New Thing
The case of the fail-fast trying to log a caught exception
The Old New Thing
Implementing two-phase initialization with ATL
The Old New Thing
Getting a strong reference from the this pointer too soon
The Old New Thing
What is a hard error, and what makes it harder than an easy error?
The Old New Thing
C++/WinRT gotcha: Not all exceptions derive from hresult_error
The Old New Thing
In C++/WinRT, how can I await multiple coroutines and capture the results?, part 3
The Old New Thing
In C++/WinRT, how can I await multiple coroutines and capture the results?, part 2
The Old New Thing
In C++/WinRT, how can I await multiple coroutines and capture the results?, part 1
The Old New Thing
After I accidentally denied access to everyone, how do I get access back?
The Old New Thing
How do I prevent my C++/WinRT implementation class from participating in COM aggregation?
The Old New Thing
The case of the vector with an impossibly large size
The Old New Thing